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【2023.09.06】The 15th EASTS Conference(アジア交通学会)で研究の発表を行いました

2023年9月6日(水),マレーシア,クアラルンプール近郊のShah Alamで開催されたアジア交通学会(Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, EASTS)の第15回国際大会で大学院土木工学専攻M2(博士前期課程2年生)荻野涼平さん(泊研)が研究発表を行いました(Ogino, R. and Tomari, N., An Analysis on Consciousness on Spare-Time Activity and Transportation: A Case of Japan).発表内容は荻野さんがM1のときに行った調査の一部について結果を報告したものです.会場ではポスター発表に臨み,参加した各国の専門家や学生らと議論を行いました.荻野さんによると,社会背景や文化の異なる方々との議論から多くのことを学んだようです.

First of all, it was my first time to participate in an international academic conference and almost my first time even going abroad.
Actually, I did not want going abroad because of the language barrier. Also, I had felt very anxious before attending the conference. However, once leaving Japan, the anxious has been disappeared. What I want to convey for my friends and juniors is that you should try just going abroad even if you are concerned.
The theme of the conference was “Towards Sustainable, Smart and Resilient Mobility”. There were interesting presentations for a lot of kinds of transportation issues and studies given by those who were from many different countries. I had a poster presentation on the relationship between work-life balance and commuting behavior. Then I really enjoyed fruitful discussions with many participants who were particularly interested in the concept of work-life balance in Japan. From the discussion with the participants, I found important points to improve my study. Also, I feel very honored to have heard from some of them that they looked forward to my following studies.