K. Sugawara, T. Abe, A. Aihara and T. Takahashi (2002): “A Study on Hydraulic Characteristics of Vegetative Groins”, Proc. of the 13th APD-IAHR Congr., Vol.1, pp.109-114. (優秀論文賞受賞)
K. Sugawara, T. Abe, A. Aihara, T. Mukouyama (2005): “Visualization of Open-channel Flow Fields with Vegetative Works”, The 8th Asian Symposium on visualization., CD-Rom Proc., No.64, 6p.
K. Sugawara, T. Abe, A. Aihara (2006): “A study on the Control System of a Flow-Field behind Groin Works by Its Aspect Raitio and Vegetative Compactness”, Proc. of the 15th APD-IAHR Congr. and Intl Symposium on Maritime Hydraulics, Vol.1, pp.103-110.
K. Sugawara, T. Abe, T. Araki (2007): “A Study on Habitat Functions of Vegetative Groin Works”, 9th Intl Conference on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, CD-Rom Proc., Paper ID 175, 8p.