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  • 熱帯モンスーン域における表層崩壊ハザード評価とその将来展望, 東北大学大学院, 2014.3


  • Daisuke Komori, Prem Rangsiwanichpong, Naotatsu Inoue, Keisuke Ono, Satoshi Watanabe, So Kazama (2018) Distributed probability of slope failure in Thailand under climate change, 126-137. In Climate Risk Management 20
  • Sujata Manandhar, Weerayuth Pratoomchai, Keisuke Ono, So Kazama, Daisuke Komori (2015) Local people's perceptions of climate change and related hazards in mountainous areas of northern Thailand, 47-59. In International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 11
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama, Chaiwat Ekkawatpanit (2014) Assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in Phetchabun and Krabi provinces, Thailand, 2089-2107. In Natural Hazards 74(3).
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2014) Extreme daily rainfall in Thailand using a gridded daily rainfall dataset: A frequency analysis with 6 types of plotting position formulae, 221-228. In Southeast Asian Water Environment 5.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama, Luminda Niroshana Gunawardhana, Koichiro Kuraji (2013) An investigation of extreme daily rainfall in the Mekong River Basin using a gridded precipitation dataset, 66-72. In Hydrological Research Letters 7 (3).
  • Keisuke Ono, Tsugumi Akimoto, L. N. Gunawardhana, So Kazama, Seiki Kawagoe (2011) Distributed specific sediment yield estimations in Japan attributed to extreme-rainfall-induced slope failures under a changing climate, 197-207. In Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (1).
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama, Seiki Kawagoe, Yoshiyuki Yokoo, Luminda Gunawardhana (2011) Possible earthen dam failure mechanisms of Fujinuma reservoir due to the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, 69-72. In Hydrological Research Letters.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2011) Analysis of extreme daily rainfall in southeast Asia with a gridded daily rainfall data set, 169-175. In Hydro-climatology: Variability and Change, IAHS Publication.
  • Keisuke Ono, Seiki Kawagoe, So Kazama (2009) Analysis of the risk distribution of slope failure in Thailand by the use of GIS data, 1189-1194. In Environmental Hydraulics.


  • Shoya Tezuka, Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2013) 極値降雨と極値流出の関係に基づいた 洪水被害分布推定, I_1603-I_1608. In 土木学会論文集B1(水工学) 69 (4).
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2013) 統計的および力学的解析手法を用いた 豪雨時の表層崩壊危険度評価, I_925-I_930. In 土木学会論文集B1(水工学) 69 (4).
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama, Shoya Tezuka (2012) タイ王国ペチャブン県における降雨に伴う表層崩壊ハザードマップの作成, 273-278. In土木学会論文集G(環境) 68 (5).
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama, Seiki Kawagoe, Yoshiyuki Yokoo (2011) 東北地方太平洋沖地震に伴う福島県須賀川市藤沼ダム決壊の概要, 359-367. In 自然災害科学 30 (3).
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2011) 東南アジア熱帯地域における 降雨極値の空間解析, I_283-I_288. In 土木学会論文集B1(水工学) 67 (4).
  • Seiki Kawagoe, Keisuke Ono (2010) 数値気候モデルによる豪雨の量と頻度の推計に関する研究, 155-160. In 東北地域災害科学研究.
  • Seiki Kawagoe, Keisuke Ono, Haruna Aoki (2010) 気候変動に伴う斜面崩壊に起因した土砂生産量の推計, 77-82. In 河川技術論文集.
  • Keisuke Ono, Seiki Kawagoe, So Kazama (2009) GISを用いた熱帯モンスーン域の 土砂崩壊リスク評価, 39-44. In 地球環境研究論文集.


  • Keisuke Ono, Daisuke Fujita, Hirofumi Tanaka, Yoshihiko Uchikura, and Kazuto Suzuki (2018) Analysis of regional characteristics of natural disasters in the Philippines. In 8th CECAR, Tokyo, Japan, 17 April 2018.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2013) Hazard mapping of rainfall-induced Shallow Landslide using physically-based and statistically-based model. In 10th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Brisbane, Australia, 24-28 June 2013.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2012) Hazard assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslide in Thailand by the use of physically-based model and statistic model. In 10th Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Engineering (ICHE-2012), Orland, USA, 4-7 November 2012.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2012) Hazard prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslide in Southeast Asia by using physically-based method and empirical method. In International Conference on Climate Adaptation, Tucson, USA, 29-31 May 2012.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2011) An investigation of extreme daily precipitation in the Mekong river basin using a latest gridded precipitation dataset. In World's Large Rivers Conference, Vienna, Austria, 11-14 April 2011.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2011) Extreme daily rainfall in Thailand using a gridded daily rainfall dataset: A frequency analysis with 6 types of plotting position formulae. In 9th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Bangkok, Thailand, 1-3 January 2011.
  • Keisuke Ono, Seiki Kawagoe, So Kazama (2009) An analysis on the risk distribution of slope failure in Thailand using GIS data. In 7th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Bangkok, Thailand, 28-30 October 2009.


  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2013) 統計的および力学的手法による表層崩壊ハザードマップの作成. In土木学会東北支部, 仙台, 14 March 2013.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2012) 無限長斜面安定解析を用いた降雨に伴う表層崩壊ハザードマップの作成. In土木学会東北支部, 秋田, 3 March 2012.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2011) タイ王国における豪雨に伴う斜面崩壊ハザード評価. In土木学会全国大会, 愛媛, 7-9 September 2011.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2011) タイ王国における豪雨に伴う斜面崩壊ハザード評価. In土木学会東北支部, 仙台, 5 March 2011.
  • Keisuke Ono, So Kazama (2010) GIS を用いた熱帯モンスーン域の土砂崩壊リスク評価. In土木学会全国大会, 札幌, 1-3 September 2010.
  • Keisuke Ono, Seiki Kawagoe, So Kazama (2009) 地球温暖化に伴うタイ北部の土砂災害リスク評価. In土木学会東北支部, 仙台, 7 March 2009.